About Maplewood Studio

About Maplewood Studio

Did you know that you can now find Maplewood Studio on Google Maps? Click here to get directions to our new location, or keep scrolling to learn more about our new workspace!

The Studio

Maplewood Studio is located at the former Lakeville United Church. The Sanctuary on the main floor is used for hosting events, life drawing sessions, and as a painting studio for Caitlin’s partner and local artist, Nat Cann. Downstairs, you will find Caitlin’s studio, where she teaches lessons, offers workshops, and works on her creative practice.

We started leasing this space in November 2022 and are thrilled to be here. The building was erected in 1879, and while it has had plenty of renovations over the past 144 years, we have a list of minor renovations we are picking away at as time progresses. When you visit, please keep in mind that the studio will get brighter, tidier, and more welcoming as we continue with these projects. We look forward to using this space to make art more accessible to the public, promote local artists, and humbly contribute to our wonderful arts community. We can’t wait for you to visit and hope you feel just as at home here as we do!


“Paint on your ceiling makes you a beautiful person.”

- young student during an action painting class